

Hi, today I will talk a little about Toriel, which is the second character you encounter in this wonderful world.

She appears and saves you when Flowey tries to kill befriend you with his bullets friendlyness pellets. A long time ago she was the queen and ruled the underworld with king Asgore but when both of their kids died Asgore took the decision of killing every human so that they could get out to the surface and because Toriel didn’t like what he did she decided to go to the ruins and help any human that fell down the hole on Mt. Ebott.

After helping you escape from Flowey she guides you through different puzzles and then you arrive to your new house, where she bakes you a cinnamon-butterscotch pie. Toriel tells you that she will be your new mother and teacher but then you go out of the ruins, where you meet all the other cute and friendly monsters and you won’t be able to know anything about her until the end.


Well, today I will talk about an indie videogame that has become pretty well-known on the internet, Undertale. There are so much stupid things in this game and about this game that you could even get tired of it, but, luckily, that didn’t happen to me (well, until I chose to do the genocide route and realised it wasn’t that easy -.-“).


Oh, and, before I start, I have to warn you that there will be a lot of spoilers, so if you want to play the game and you don’t want to know what happens in the game, go, RUN, DON’T READ IT, if you have played it or you don’t want to play it, then read if you want.

Okay so first let’s start with the main character, Frisk. Well, what we know about him/her is… NO ONE KNOWS ANYTHING ABOUT FRISK. Yes, that is true, no one knows anything about the main character so then lets start with another one like, i don’t know… Flowey, okay.


Flowey is basically a flower as he says in the begining of the game:

“Howdy! I’m Flowey! Flowey the flower!”

He seems friendly, but then he turns out to be a horrible monster that wants to kill everyone because he can’t feel any emotions. Before being a flower Flowey was Asriel, king Asgore and queen Toriel’s child. When he was a kid Asriel lived happily with his family, one day he found a human lying on the floor of the ruins and took the human home, the human child’s name was Chara. For Asriel Chara was lkke a brother/sister and Toriel and Asgore took care of Chara as if they were their child. One day Chara became ill, before dying she/he said that she/he wanted to see the flowers of his/her village one last time. Asriel went to the village of the human and took the body with him, the people on the village thought that he killed Chara and started attacking him, even though he could have killed them he didn’t do it, he just walked and walked to his home where he arrived completely exhausted and full of wounds. Asriel then instead of dying he turned into a flower. And that is the story of flowey.

Hope you enjoyed this, I will do one of this kind of “small reviews” of all the characters of undertale because I love the game so much.

Byeee >3<


I’m going to write about this game because some time ago I really liked it, but that was before microsoft bought it, even if I use windows I don’t like windows too much, specially knowing that the most of the popular companies they bought didn’t go too well… ಠ╭╮ಠ

Before Microsoft bought majong and Minecraft I was an unconditional fan of this game, I spent a lot of time in servers and it was very fun playing with other people around the world, it was very well-known in lots of countries and there where thousands of good servers. Now Minecraft’s popularity is decreasing little by little, and even if today there’s many people playing it, someday it will be forgotten like lots of games that once were so popular.

I think the new snapshot is a little confusing at least, there is a dragon head, (that I suppose it will be dropped by the dragon in the final version) there are end rods that I don’t know what they are for and more shit things that I think they aren’t useful for anything. Some people will say that the snapshot isn’t finished, and that is true, but tell me, for what do you want an arrow of swiftness? Or an arrow of healing? Or an arrow of leaping? I don’t get it, arrows are for killing enemies, not for giving them advantages, and, if what you want is a potion effect, there are potions and splash potions. And talking about potions there is a new type of potion that is the lingering potion and I think it’s ok but… For that we have the splash potions!!! Even if the effect stays there is the same thing so they are just taking what was done, changing it a bit and… There you have a new item! ┻━┻ ︵ヽ(`Д´)ノ︵ ┻━┻

That’s my opinion but I want to see your’s too, so, please, if you want, tell me what do you think about minecraft in the comments. If you want to go to the official Minecraft website click here and if you want to go to Mojang’s offocial website click here


Yesterday I was too busy and I couldn’t post anything, my apologies(°ロ°).

Please share this post with your friends if you liked it  (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ ,Thanks!!!



(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ ✧゚・: *ヽ(◕ヮ◕ヽ)

Yandere Simulator

I’m making a review of this game because I really LOVE it.

I enjoy playing videogames and one of my favourite ones is Yandere Simulator, which is a game that is still a W.I.P. (Work In Project) and is still only 11% done, but it already is a very cool and well known indie game.

(If you want to go to the development blog of Yandere Simulator click here)

Even if I really love that game I know that there are some features missing so when the game is completed, I will make another review or something about this game.Don’t worry if you don’t know what game is this or what is it about, because first of all I will explain it a little bit, but there are some secrets in the game, and, there will be some spoilers here, so, if you don’t want to know what the secrets are I will put the secrets at the end in another paragraph, ok?

In Yandere simulator you play as Yandere-chan, who is a psycopath that fell in love with a common guy (Senpai). You can’t talk to Senpai or interact with him in any of the ways (if you don’t use mods) but you can talk with other students and compliment them to gain popularity, you can also kill the students in different ways and with different weapons and your goal is to kill everyone that wants to confess their love to Senpai. There are lots of easter eggs in this game and bugs too and that makes the game even better.

My Opinion

I think this game is still missing very important features but that is normal knowing that the game is only 11% complete but they’ve added so much features and removed so much bugs that it is very cool to play, and now, the school atmosphere decreases each time someone dies or stops going to school. One of the features I want to be added soon are some places to go on the town and the possibility of doing something to the girl you’ve kidnaped, but some day, the game will be complete!!!(ಥ﹏ಥ). In my opinion it’s already pretty awesome but each one can say whatever he or she thinks so I would like to hear (or read XD) your opinion.

Easter eggs

I don’t think the easter egg menu is too secret but I’ll talk about it like if it was. The easter egg menu is a menu that you can activate with a keyboard key (I don’t remember what key it was X’D but it’s in the development blog) and from there you can choose different “modes” that are just for fun, for example the titan mode, doing a reference to the anime of attack on titan, changes your uniform and turns all the students in nude titans.

Spoiler Alert!!!

There is another easter egg, (and this is more secret) at school there are some recorded tapes around the place, and, if you find them all, you can hear the recordings in the computer lab. room. There are some tutorials on the internet about where to find them.

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